WRI's Global Restoration Initiative works with governments and international partners to inspire, enable and implement restoration on degraded landscapes, returning them to economic and environmental productivity. Alongside IUCN and other partners, WRI has identified more than two billion hectares of cleared and degraded forest and agricultural lands suitable for restoration – an area roughly twice the size of China. Using this data as a foundation, the GRI works to promote restoration of degraded lands back into natural forests, agroforestry systems, or productive agriculture. Embracing forest and landscape restoration will allow for a world in which the amount of forest cover grows while the productivity of existing agricultural land increases.
Project 1 - The Natural Infrastructure for Water Initiative
NIfW at WRI invites 1 or 2 FES student researchers to contribute to our suite of projects that analyze that opportunities and challenges to investing in natural infrastructure for water in Latin American cities. With projects and staff in in Washington DC, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, and Mexico City, we are currently conducting research in several fields of study (e.g. policy, economics, and environmental management).