2018 Fellow in Bhutan
Nesting Ecology and Migration of Critically Endangered White-bellied Heron (Ardea insignis) in Bhutan |
2017 Fellow in Mexico
La Vecindad: Communal Housing as a Green Infrastructure Opportunity in Mexico City’s Water Crisis |
2017 Fellow in Kenya
Energy Access and Financial Inclusion: Are PAYG solar products promoting digital finance access among poor rural households in Kenya? |
2014 Fellow in Brazil
Numb to the world: Degradation desensitization and environmentally responsible behavior |
2019 Fellow in Bolivia
Not all protected areas are alike: differences in management strategies in the Madidi National Protected Area and their impacts on jaguar occupancy |
2014 Fellow in Indonesia
Recognizing the ecosystem services provided by the sumatran tiger (panthera tigris sumatrae) in the Bukit Tigapuluh tiger conservation landscape in Sumatra, Indonesia |
2015 Fellow in Tanzania
Conservation and the impact of international environmental governance on the use of natural resources in Tanzania |
2020 Fellow and 2019 Fellow in Peru
Conservation Conflict in the Alto Mayo Protected Forest (San Martín, Peru) |
2019 Fellow in Uganda
Resource Acquisition and Path Efficiency of Elephant Trails in Kibale National Park, Uganda |
2016 Fellow in Panama
Comparing changes in soil fertility across a chronosequence of successional agroforestry and second-growth rainforest in Panama |