
Virginia Davis's picture

Virginia Davis, AB

2021 Fellow in USA and Haiti and Dominican Republic

Bioactivity of Mexican Prickly Poppy (Argemone mexicana) in Caribbean Gynecological Ethnomedicine

Carolina de Mendonca Gueiros's picture

Carolina de Mendonca Gueiros, MESc

2015 Fellow in Brazil

Applying the Four Pathways of Influence Framework: the Case of REDD+ in Brazil

Camille Delavaux's picture

Camille Delavaux, MESc

2015 Fellow in Ecuador

Plant Diversity in Tropical Systems Mediated by Mycorrhizal Fungi

Audrey Denvir's picture

Audrey Denvir, MESc

2015 Fellow in Peru

Cross-Scale Interactions in Community Forestry: A Comparative Study in Peru

Urs Dieterich's picture

Urs Dieterich, MEM

2014 Fellow in Kenya

Giving traction to civil society participation in multi-level forest governance processes

Bartholomew DiFiore's picture

Bartholomew DiFiore, MESc

2016 Fellow in Belize

Estimating Predator Abundances from Space? The impact of predators on herbivore behavior in coral patch reef ecosystems

Ryan Dougherty's picture

Ryan Dougherty, MESc

2021 Fellow in Panama

Daily spatial and temporal dynamics of a Red-Eyed Treefrog chorus

Erika Drazen's picture

Erika Drazen, MEM

2015 Fellow in Sri Lanka and Thailand

Closing the Gap: Assessing Knowledge Translation from Conferences and Gender Dynamics in UN REDD Programme in Sri Lanka

Melaina Dyck's picture

Melaina Dyck, MESc

2018 Fellow in Peru

Environmental change and self-determination through the eyes of smallholder banana farmers

Austin Dziki's picture

Austin Dziki, MF

2019 Fellow in Rwanda

The Edge Effect on Regeneration of Large Seeded Tree Species in a Small Forest Fragment in the Western Highlands of Rwanda