
Tianjun Hou's picture

Tianjun Hou, MESc

2014 Fellow in Zambia and Zimbabwe

China's building hydropower plants in Africa: implications for environmental mitigation

Akielly Hu's picture

Akielly Hu, AB

2018 Fellow in Ecuador

Exploring the socioeconomic and conservation impact of achiote farming as an alternative livelihood in Jamboé Valley, Ecuador

Kangning Huang's picture

Kangning Huang, PhD

2017 Fellow in China

The Compound Heat Extreme in South China from the Urban Heat Island Effect and Climate Change

Cam Humphrey's picture

Cam Humphrey, MEM

2020 Fellow in United States

Historical inequities in pollution burdens and their ongoing impacts on health and environmental justice

Abdul-Majeed Ibrahim's picture

Abdul-Majeed Ibrahim, MEM

2016 Fellow in Ghana

Dissemination of innovative practices in post-harvest handling of groundnuts within women's social networks in rural northern Ghana

Seth Inman's picture

Seth Inman, MEM

2019 Fellow in Rwanda

Montane Avifauna Distribution in the Albertine Rift

Lan Jin's picture

Lan Jin, PhD

2015 Fellow in China

Traffic pollution and congenital heart defects in Lanzhou, China: a Land Use Regression modeling study

Chelsea Judy's picture

Chelsea Judy, PhD

2017 Fellow in Ethiopia

Linking Patterns of Land Ownership to Environmental Degradation and Economic Inequality in Ethiopia

Aarthi Kannan's picture

Aarthi Kannan, MESc

2021 Fellow in India

Estimating the population and density of Indian wolves in Koppal district, India using non-invasive genetic sampling and a spatially capture recapture framework

Lav Kanoi's picture

Lav Kanoi, PhD

2020 Fellow in India

Writing on the waters: The changing waterscape of India's thirsty capital city