Work study
Each year, TRI has several work-study positions for students who are eligible for financial aid.
Students may work up to 19 hours per week during the academic year while classes are in session and up to 40 hours per week during scheduled break.
Please see here for more details of the work study program.
Work-study students have several important roles:
- TRAINING: Manage, edit, and publish the TRI Bulletin.
- NETWORKING: Organise and run TRI events, including the Spring Symposium.
- RESEARCH: Run and write up TRI projects.
TRI institutional history
Recent projects have reviewed the institutional history of TRI.
Beasley, E., Thomas, T., & Liesner, K. 2014. TRI Fellows: The first thirty years. Tropical Resources 34, 1–5.
Parish, D. & Queenborough, S.A. 2015. Thirty years of Tropical Resources: The Bulletin of TRI. Tropical Resources 35, 1–7.
Benetiz, L. & Queenborough, S.A. 2019. The fellows of TRI: 34 years of supporting research. Tropical Resources 38, 0–0. In press.
Curtis, D. & Queenborough, S.A. 2020. Publication impacts of TRI Fellows. In preparation.
Comparative macroecology
Comparative macroecological studies offer insight into the diversity of ways that organisms ‘make a living’. Understanding how the abiotic and biotic environments shape trait evolution and organismal function is vital to inform principles of biogeography and determine the limits of species distributions.
These projects develop databases of plant leaf traits that we integrate with existing data on plant distributions (often networks of tree plots), to ask how plant form and function vary in response to climate.
Current projects include:
- Climate and leaf form of woody plants in Kenya
- Life form of woody plants of the Cerrado, Brazil
- Survey of harrasment and health and safety policies of scientific field stations
TRI received a grant from the BGCI/ArbNet Partnership Programme to collaborate with Pha Tad Ke Botanical Garden, Laos, to co-created a series of short videos being about the importance of tree conservation in the tropics and its implementation at Pha Tad Ke.
Previous work-study students
We are extremely grateful to the many work-study students who have helped TRI over the years.
Leah Andino, Charly Frisk, Emma Grover, Chomri Khayi, Urmila Mallick, Bennett Olupo, Shannon Regan, Miriam Remshard, Ananya Singh, Angela Xue
Leah Andino, Vivian Bi, Charly Frisk, Emma Grover, Musa Joko, Aarthi Kannan, Coral Keegan, Miriam Remshard, Ananya Singh, Ryan Smith, Raqib Valli
Deja Curtis, Bijan Gurung, Logan Emlet, Sonia Wang, Aarthi Kannan
Lorena Benitez, Deja Curtis, James Ndung’u, Jeamme Chia, Bijan Gurung
Sally Goodman, Erica Engstrom, Minshu Deng, Lorena Benitez
Sally Goodman, Erica Engstrom, Sarah Omusula, Abby Snyder