
Vivian Bi's picture

Vivian Bi, MESc

2021 Fellow in China

Power in Flux: Migrant Household Energy Access and Use at the Margins of Modernity in Peri-urban Beijing

Coral Bielecki's picture

Coral Bielecki, MESc

2017 Fellow in United States

Power and Resistance: A Case Study of Kahoolawe Island in Hawaii

Lottie Boardman's picture

Lottie Boardman, MEM

2018 Fellow in New Zealand

The politics of knowledge in New Zealand's mānuka honey industry

Emily Briggs's picture

Emily Briggs, PhD

2019 Fellow in Argentina

Karin Bucht's picture

Karin Bucht, MF

2014 Fellow in Madagascar

Perspectives & planning for fuelwood plantations: social and site analysis for REDD+ leakage prevention of mangrove ecosystems in northwest Madagascar

Jacob Bukoski's picture

Jacob Bukoski, MFS

2015 Fellow in Thailand and Vietnam

Predicting carbon-stock rich mangrove forests in the Asia-Pacific through multiple-linear regression analysis

Mary Burak's picture

Mary Burak, PhD

2019 Fellow in Kenya

Spatial-Genetic Applications for Lion Conservation in a Changing Ecosystem in Northern Kenya

Kate Burrows's picture

Kate Burrows, PhD

2019 Fellow in Indonesia

The Effect of Displacement on the Association Between Landslides and Mental Health and Wellbeing in Banjarnegara, Indonesia

Julia Calderon Cendejas's picture

Julia Calderon Cendejas, MF

2017 Fellow in Mexico

Community-based forestry as a tool for indigenous land rights defense: A case study with Raramuri communities in northern Mexico

Sarah Casson's picture

Sarah Casson, MESc

2014 Fellow in Indonesia

Climate resilience and shifting monsoons: agricultural adaptation at the village level in communities of East Flores, Indonesia