2015 Tropical Resources |
Etic vs emic as adaptive measures to climate change: The rat as a misguided friend
2015 Tropical Resources |
Are Chinese companies devastating the African environment? Exploring the role of a Chinese hydropower company in the Zambian environmental impact assessment process
2015 Tropical Resources |
Penguin politics: Human dynamics in the African penguin conservation debate
2015 Tropical Resources |
Plantation projects in Madagascar: approaches, objectives and reflections for fuelwood production
2015 Tropical Resources |
Devouring the Congo
2015 Tropical Resources |
Numb to the world: Degradation desensitization and environmentally responsible behavior
2015 Tropical Resources |
The social roots of ecological degradation in El Nevado de Toluca natural protected area, Mexico
2015 Tropical Resources |
Mercury exposure and risk among women of childbearing age in Madre de Dios, Peru
2015 Tropical Resources |
TRI Fellows: The First Thirty Years
2015 Tropical Resources |
Tropical Resources Vol 34
2014 Tropical Resources |
Healing Forests and Ailing Economies: Non-Timber Forest Products in Nepal
2014 Tropical Resources |
Social Forestry in China?
2014 Tropical Resources |
Diversity and Traditional Management of Four Amazonian Varzea Forests in the Lowland Peruvian Amazon
2014 Tropical Resources |
Nevis, An Island Microcosm: The Unique Environmental Concerns of Small Islands
2014 Tropical Resources |
The Aye-Aye Lemur of Madagascar: Feeding Ecology, Social Behavior, and Microhabitat
2014 Tropical Resources |
The Search for Sustainable Tropical Silviculture: Regeneration and Growth of Mahogany After Disturbance in Mexico’s Yucatan Forests.
2014 Tropical Resources |
Ranching, Logging, and the Tranformation of an Amazonian Landscape
2014 Tropical Resources |
Growth Allocation Of Co-Occurring Species With Similar Regeneration Strategies Under Contrasting Moisture And Light Regimes: A Comparison Between Two Genera Of Moist Temperate And Moist Tropical Forests
2014 Tropical Resources |
Shades of Green: Environmentalism in Two Continents
2014 Tropical Resources |
Foreword to the Anniversary Edition